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Unbroken Chain Podcast

Jul 29, 2019

Tepahteh Hutze, aka Oso, is a medicine man from a lineage of curanderos who carries the wisdom of the Nahuatlakas and the Lakota. Life is a ceremony, he says, and everything we do is prayer. He holds regular sweat lodge and medicine ceremonies for his community, and offers the opportunity for all he meets to return to their earth-based roots and claim the medicine that is our birthright as humans. In this conversation, I share some of my recent experiences in ceremony with him, and he talks about our place in creation, the disconnection that has created abusive relationships with our environment, and how we can cleanse ourselves naturally with the four elements. “Treat people with your heart, and you’ll never be wrong.” Learn more about Oso’s offerings at and reach out to him on instagram @tepahtehhutze. More podcasts and art at and @maurajames. [“Peyote Healing” - Robbie Robertson and Verdell Primeaux]